
![]() Receiving a blessing from the Lubavitcher Rebbe ob"m. | ![]() Learning with HaRav Pinchas Hirschprung zt"l. Chief Rabbi, Montreal. | ![]() Leading a men's mission to visit with HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg zt"l. Rosh Yeshiva Torah Ohr, Jerusalem. |
![]() In discussion with HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt"l. Rosh Yeshiva Mir Jerusalem. |
Harav Reuven Silver, Dean
Bais Medrash N'Siv Olam
Torah Institute
Rabbi Zale Newman has attended my Torah classes for the past thirty-six years. Even with his very busy schedule, including frequent trips out of town, he rarely misses a class. This has created a very close bond between us and, as such, I feel I am in a qualified position to speak about him and his valuable accomplishments.
Zale has been involved in Kiruv work for many years, both independently, as well as in conjunction with some of the major Kiruv organizations, such as NCSY, Ohr Somayach and Aish HaTorah. He can truly be called a pioneer in the Kiruv movement!
Rabbi Zale Newman, a highly regarded veteran and veritable star on the stage of Kiruv, seems to have successfully addressed this void, and authored an insightful and engaging manual, appropriately named Stairway to Heaven, to allow religious novices the tools for full immersion in the heart-Avodah of Klal Yisroel. Frankly, I am convinced that many long-standing native "shomrei Torah" will benefit equally from this remarkably crafted work.
Reb Zale Newman, epitomizes the time honoured title of "askan", a full time volunteer for Klal Yisrael. His personal acts of chesed, whether fundraising for individuals in dire need, or giving of his time in weekly visits to hospitals, are lessons for us all to behold. His Ahavas Yisroel was and is the motivation for his pioneering efforts in Kiruv Rechokim over the past four decades. NCSY, Aish HaTorah and Chabad Lubavich, among scores of others, have benefited from his many talents.
We have tremendous hakaras hatov to Reb Zale as The Village Shul and Aish HaTorah Learning Centre have been the recipients of his gifts and been a major priority of his efforts since its founding 25 years ago. Together with his Aishes Chayii Rochel, countless individuals at The Village Shul have been impacted and inspired by their love, focus and attention.