
Isaac Osiel
Petah Tikva Congregation, Toronto
We had Zale speak at our Synagogue at a Friday Night Shabbat dinner. He was engaging, very funny and most of all, related to the audience in a way that really hit home. We would for sure invite him back again.
Rabbi Glenn Black
CEO of NCSY Canada and Torah High
I have known Zale Newman both personally and professionally for over 20 years. As a speaker and educator he connects with people in a way very few people can.
He is one of the most versatile speakers in the Jewish world today. He has a depth of knowledge and real-life experience that makes him uniquely qualified to inspire Jews of all ages. I recommend Zale for your shabbatonim, scholar in residence weekend or for any opportunity to encourage and motivate your audience.
Zale is an entertaining and inspiring speaker who engaged and motivated the audience when he spoke at our Shabbaton last year. His book Stairway to Heaven has inspired both the novice and the informed to reflect on their prayer experience and create a closer relationship with the Almighty. (or enhance their relationship with the Almighty)
Rabbi Zischa Shaps
Director JET, Ottawa
Mrs. Chaya Blau
Samcheinu Group, Support Group for Jewish Widows
Our Samcheinu Group, (a social widows group for younger and upper middle aged women) was honoured to have Zale as our guest speaker at a recent Shabbos event. We were amazed how willingiy he put all else aside to accommodate us at such short notice. His unusual sensitivity and unique approach in addressing our ladies,added a very special flavour to our gathering and was truly engaging and inspiring. We eagerly look forward to hearing him again in the near future.
I had the privilege of witnessing Harav Zale Newman shlit"a singularly and successfully lead Shabbat meals and programs here in the Holy City. On many occasions, Harav Zale was celebrating Shabbat together with large numbers of participants from every imaginable background. With his unique personality and inimitable style, R' Zale was ever so inspiring with his profound and timely torah teachings coupled with his most moving melodies and zemirot. Even those who were cynical about Torah observance up to that point in their lives seemed to begin to rethink their positions after being exposed to this great unparalleled torah model. fortunate is the community that will have Rabbi Newman directing their Shabbatonim!
Zale Newman is one of the most unique and special individuals we have ever had in our community. He taught in our community for over 25 years, and in every one of his talks he was able to craft a message for our audience that combined his body of expertise with their immediate needs. His delivery was exemplary! By combining humor, examples, and informal but highly focused classes, he always demonstrated his command of communications principles and gave his audience immediately useful take-aways. True learning took place. The audience always left feeling moved and motivated. But I must say, that while he is a great orator he not only conveys messages to the audience, but lives and breathes the inspiration he delivers. He's real.
Rabbi Mordechai Machlis
Director, Jerusalem Chesed
Rabbi Tzvi Sytner
The Village Shul
Aish HaTorah Learning Centre
When you are looking for an inspirational speaker for a Shabbos, a seminar or a one night event, you can add Rabbi Zale Newman of Toronto to your list. He was one of the two featured speakers, along with Sol Blinkoff, for the past year’s Shabbat Project weekend hosted by the Aish Thornhill Community Shul. Aside from being extremely active in the kiruv world for the past 40 years with NCSY, AISH, The Village Shul, JWRP, AJOP and more, he has a unique set of capabilities which make him an unusual commodity in the field, as follows:
He is a well-informed, learned, serious, entertaining and funny speaker
He can speak on almost any topic
He is a master storyteller
He is a skilled performer who can do a full concert on Motzai Shabbos, thus allowing you to charge for seating and recoup the cost of bringing him in
He is one of the lower cost speakers on the circuit today I strongly encourage you to consider him. He is great to work with, a real talent and very responsive to the specific needs of a branch.
Rabbi J. Avram Rothman, PhD
Senior Rabbi
Aish Thornhill Community Shul